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SEO Philippines: Pricing of Services in 2023

We’re rated 5/5 Stars in Google Reviews

Increase your lead generation and get more sales when you partner with Carl Ocab Digital Marketing. Our SEO service starts at only P50,000/month (15% more affordable than the market rate) and is 100% transparent–you will always know where your investment is allocated.

Fill up the form to get an exact quote or you can get a free SEO audit of your website by clicking the button below.

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Forbes 30 Under 30

We’ve been featured in Forbes’ Media, Marketing, and Advertising category.

300+ Client Websites

We’ve handled 300+ sites so you can be confident that we know what we’re doing.

13 Years in Business

We’re not just a fly by-night company,
we’re here to stay.

5/5 Stars on Google

Our ratings speak for itself. Check out
what our happy clients have to say.

Detailed Monthly Reports
Rank Tracing for Keywords
Summarized Google Analytics Figures
Detailed Backlinks Report
Sitewide-Level Optimization
Canonical URL Optimization
Targeted Locations
XML & HTML Sitemaps
Permalink Structure Optimization
Site Speed Optimization
Cross-Device Optimization
Google Search Console Optimization
Yoast SEO Plugin Setup (WordPress)
Page-Level Optimization
Target Keywords
Up to 10 Up to 20 Up to 30
Title Tag Optimization
5 pages/month 10 pages/month 15 pages/month
Meta Content Creation & Optimization
5 pages/month 10 pages/month 15 pages/month
Schema Integration
5 pages/month 10 pages/month 15 pages/month
Header Tag Creation & Optimization
5 pages/month 10 pages/month 15 pages/month
Image Optimization
All Images All Images All Images
Link Juice Preservation
Broken Links Repair
Off-Page Optimization
Guaranteed Backlinks Earned
3/month 7/month 10/month
Content Marketing
2 posts/month 3 posts/month 4 posts/month
Guest Posting
Social Media Marketing Link Acquisition
Unlinked Brand Mentions
On-Page and Off-Page Deep Linking
Link Outreach
Pillar Article Creation & Link Acquisition
1 post/3 months 1 post/2 months 1 post/month
Setup Fee
P0 (Free) P0 (Free) P0 (Free)
P60,000/month P70,000/month P90,000/month
REPORTING Advanced Aggressive Enterprise
Detailed Monthly Reports
Rank Tracing for Keywords
Summarized Google Analytics Figures
Detailed Backlinks Report
Sitewide-Level Optimization
Canonical URL Optimization
Targeted Locations
XML & HTML Sitemaps
Permalink Structure Optimization
Site Speed Optimization
Cross-Device Optimization
Google Search Console Optimization
Yoast SEO Plugin Setup (WordPress)
Page-Level Optimization
Target Keywords
Up to 10 Up to 20 Up to 30
Title Tag Optimization
5 pages/month 10 pages/month 15 pages/month
Meta Content Creation & Optimization
5 pages/month 10 pages/month 15 pages/month
Schema Integration
5 pages/month 10 pages/month 15 pages/month
Header Tag Creation & Optimization
5 pages/month 10 pages/month 15 pages/month
Image Optimization
All Images All Images All Images
Link Juice Preservation
Broken Links Repair
Off-Page Optimization
Guaranteed Backlinks Earned
3/month 7/month 10/month
Content Marketing
2 posts/month 3 posts/month 4 posts/month
Guest Posting
Social Media Marketing Link Acquisition
Unlinked Brand Mentions
On-Page and Off-Page Deep Linking
Link Outreach
Pillar Article Creation & Link Acquisition
1 post/3 months 1 post/2 months 1 post/month
Setup Fee
P0 (Free) P0 (Free) P0 (Free)
P60,000/month P70,000/month P90,000/month

What You get

SEO Inclusions

No Black-Hat SEO

We don’t “cheat the system” to get quick results. Techniques like spamming and link farms can get your site penalized.

White-Hat SEO Company

We only use strategies that are in line with the terms of the search engines. Manual and quality work always pay off.

Transparent Monthly Reports

You’re going to get a detailed report that includes your keyword rankings, organic traffic, and more.

Guaranteed Backlinks

In each of our SEO packages, we set a number of guaranteed backlinks that your site is going to get every month.

our founder

Interview on DZRH

In this interview, our founder, Carl Ocab, talks about digital marketing and SEO and how most online marketing strategies work well cohesively. Read more about Carl here.

results in 30 seconds

Free SEO Audit

Is Search Engine Optimization a Good Investment?

You probably can’t argue: SEO has grown much popularity today and has said to massively help businesses to succeed. And so you wonder, “If I were to invest in SEO, will I get the same result?”

In reality?

A big NO.

But don’t leave just yet; what we actually mean is:

  • No, IF you do not know what SEO actually is.
  • No, IF you can’t identify your SEO needs.
  • No, IF you don’t recognize its benefits.
  • No, IF you can’t choose the right SEO company to work for your needs.
  • No, IF you expect to see results right away.

And so to help you achieve business success through SEO, we’ll tackle for you the following topics:

Below is a chart showing how much SEO services in the Philippines costs:
SEO Service Rates
When it comes to investing, we all want in our hand what would benefit us. We want to be sure that our investment would be ‘worth it.’ And with regard to investing in our business, we don’t want to be just another businessman who loses his company simply because of a wrong decision.

You’ll probably agree when we say that investing is risking-getting a chunk from your company’s hard-earned funds and waiting if you would actually benefit from it. However, if it’s what you think would lead your business to success, why not take the risk, right? But while success sounds pleasing to our ears, there’s always this another side of the coin-failing to see your objectives coming and not getting Return on Investments (ROI) at all.

With all that being said, how do we know now when to take risk? When can we say we should give investment a go? And what are the factors we should never overlook when deciding to invest?

Being in the business for a length, perhaps you already got some knowledge about digital marketing. You might even have started building your online presence considering people’s massive usage of the internet today. Also, you maybe heard about a thing called SEO which has said to help a lot of businesses to convert.

And so you thought, “Is SEO really worth an investment?”

What is SEO or Search Engine Optimization?

Before we go around tackling the many benefits of SEO, let’s first understand what it is and how it works.

According to Wikipedia, SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the process of manipulating a website’s rankings in the unpaid or organic results.

Google displays results it considers relevant and authoritative.

How SEO Can Be a Smart Investment

The digital landscape has drastically changed over our 10+ years of experience. Yet, SEO remains to be a powerful marketing strategy.

SEO provides heaps of advantages to businesses both online and offline. If a company is not investing in this type of marketing strategy, they may be missing a lot of opportunities. With the help of SEO, you can significantly increase your brand’s impact by making sure that your target customers are visiting your website. This is why expert marketers suggest utilizing SEO.

Here are some advantages of SEO:

1. SEO Gets Targeted Website Visitors

Compared to leads generated from print advertising or email marketing, research reveals that there’s a greater number of targeted leads being generated from SEO. Sites that rank high on the on the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) receive more clicks from online users and are likely to have a considerable increase in their traffic. All these because search engine optimization focuses entirely on creating relevant content and title tags that will show up in the result pages. Creating optimized descriptions and tags enables click increase and also attract traffic to your website.

2. SEO Can Make You an Authority

Search engine optimization will help your business have a better, well-recognized, and stronger brand. As individuals look for relevant phrases and keywords that are related to your business niche, they should be able to find you among the top search results. Being on top of the SERPs will boost your credibility thus making you win big so long as you offer the right solutions for audience questions. More than that, it is also a matter of a perfect timing and being on a right platform and place for prospects.

3. SEO Creates Returning Visitors

Nowadays, people use the internet to look for answers to their questions or search for a product or service they wanted or needed to purchase. When they find that your company website provides a solution to their problem, they are likely to become your loyal customers. But to achieve this, you must ensure that your business website provides easy navigation and has great contents that will help the users. You will come favored with loyal clients who spend more time interacting with your business.

4. SEO is Affordable

Search engine optimization is one of the most affordable marketing strategies that exist today as it mainly targets consumers who are looking for your services and products online. This type of marketing delivers a higher return for the amount of money that you invest in it and you will continue benefiting from it for a long time after you have invested in your campaign.

5. SEO Has a High ROI

Search engine optimizations services provide companies with quantifiable and trackable results. They can conveniently assess every aspect of your marketing strategy. For instance is the increase in traffic, rankings, and conversions. Comprehensive SEO analytics provide businesses with the ability to get information from prospective clients who visited their website. With the information that can be gathered from the website, you will then be able to know the path your visitors take before they complete the sale or checkout. This is critical for any e-commerce websites as behaviors of target clients can easily be understood and studied.

6. SEO Has Long-Term Benefits

When done right, SEO has the ability to deliver quick results to your business and you can benefit from continuous ROI for a long time. If optimized properly on the search engines, your website can stay on the first pages for years without the need to spend additional money. Your target audience will still find you with the right keywords for your business niche.

Cheap SEO vs. High-Quality SEO

Now that we understand how beneficial SEO could be, the next process is to decide where to invest our money. Let’s discuss the not-so-thin line between cheap and high-quality SEO services.

Cheap SEO
  • Offers “affordable” packages of ?10,000, ?20,000, etc. Ask yourself, is it really affordable if you don’t get results?
  • Uses vague and technical-sounding terms to sound good. Words like “Robots.txt generation” and “Google Analytics integration.” However, in reality, a good SEO specialist can do this in just under 5 minutes.
  • Guarantees #1 ranking on Google. Sketchy SEO companies that say that they have a “special relationship” with Google and offers priority submission and the like. Read more about it here.
  • Offers a one-size-fits all SEO campaigns without considering your business’ objectives.
  • Since they won’t be able to reach their over promises, some may resort to giving you fake results by directing bots to your site so that it appears that you’re getting more visitors. Remember, always look for results–may it be leads, results, and/or rankings.
High-Quality SEO:
  • Campaigns are fully customized and 100% transparent ensuring you’ll achieve your business goals.
  • Instead of simply getting website visitors, it concentrates more on delivering quality leads and sales.
  • High-Quality SEO companies only do white-hat SEO. These are strategies that are in line with the terms and conditions of the search engines. That means there’s no chance of being penalized through it. While White-Hat SEO requires more time and effort because it requires manual and quality work, it always pays off in the long run.

How To Choose The Right SEO Company

SEO statistics on the table

Obviously, you want results but that’s the thing you can’t get right off the bat.

“Good SEO work only gets better over time. It’s only search engine tricks that need to keep changing when the ranking algorithms change.” – Jill Whalen 

Your first couple of months with an SEO company could always be the hardest since you can’t simply expect an overnight result. At the very least, you may see some changes in your rankings, but these may not be that significant yet. It takes months to improve your search rankings, especially if there’s a lot to work on your SEO.

In this regard, how would you be able to know if you’re making the right decision of hiring a particular SEO company?

5 Signs of a Good SEO Company

With Google always updating its algorithm, it is advisable to hire an SEO team to achieve and maintain a good ranking on the search engine so prospects can easily find you whenever they are looking for a business similar to you. If you are thinking about hiring a certain SEO agency to aid you, then the below signs will help you understand whether you’re making the right decision or not:

1. They seek to fully understand your business.

A good SEO company seeks to know the type of your business, its marketplace, the industry it belongs, the goals and objectives it needs to achieve, and most especially the customers it targets. It is important that they understand all these because this is where they will pattern and plan their SEO strategy, ensuring that it is fully customized for your business needs.

And so, you’ll know an SEO company is serious with its service as they tend to seek a complete understanding of your business.

2. They discuss performing an SEO Audit.

An SEO company should carry out an initial audit on your business website to know its current state. The audit shall give them an overview of your online profile – the quality and quantity of inbound and outbound links, issues for indexation, and even its existing pages and contents. They need to do all these to know what they need to work on and improve.

During the negotiation, they must’ve mentioned to you performing an initial SEO audit as this will be the basis of their strategy.

3. They have an accurate knowledge on SEO.

You may find it too obvious to still be listed here. However, it is possible to get acquainted with people who class themselves as SEO strategists where in fact they only have a little understanding about SEO.

When you’re not that versed with SEO, these people may lure you with words you don’t even understand in the first place. A good company should not wrap you up with SEO jargons. They should be able to clearly explain to you what is SEO and how are they going to make it work for your business.

To be more sure of their qualifications, you can request for their outputs, review testimonials, or directly contact a client they previously worked for.

4. They don’t only focus on the rankings.

The agency to work for your SEO needs should know very well that a high ranking on Search Engine Results Page (SERPs) is futile without conversions and they must be able to tackle this to you. Their most important objective here is to turn your site visitors into customers. That being said, consider asking them if their means of getting your keywords rank will really help you generate sales. In case one of their strategies to build your links is through guest posting, you must see to it that they’ll be submitting in niche on websites within your relative industry.

5. They are to provide you with SEO Report Analysis (at least a month).

It is nothing but easy for any SEO specialist to say they are working on your site—only to leave you hanging. And so, before signing a project contract with an SEO company, you must ensure transparency from their end. They need to provide you with constant report so you can track the project’s progress. Also, you should also know how to review the SEO report analysis you’ll be receiving from them (e.g. simply checking the set of keywords if it’s actually ranking).

Why the Philippines Is the Best Place to Get SEO

Search Engine Optimization in the Philippines skyrockets each year. One of the main reasons why is because Filipinos are internet savvy. We’ve witnessed that Filipinos can make a hashtag trend worldwide on Twitter in little under an hour (Remember how #AlDubEBTamangPanahon has become Twitter’s most used hashtag in 24 hours with its 40,706,392 uses?) You will see that the interest of Filipinos in internet marketing, especially SEO, has grown too; and is continuously growing over the years.

One amazing truth about it is that most of the Filipino internet users are young. Thus, it has a lot to say about the future of this industry in the country. It will cultivate with the younger generation as practitioners and professionals doing the job.

SEO. More friendly in the Philippines.

Our founder’s successful attempt at humor. Photo adapted from Maks Karochkin.

Affordable Service

Comparing with the price of services offered by other countries, you will find SEO services in the Philippines more affordable and practical without sacrificing quality. Because the cost of living is way cheaper, they are willing to accept a lower salary. Also, most of the internet marketers from the Philippines work from their homes as independent contractors. Thus, they do not worry about travel expenses.

Tech and Internet Savvy Individuals

“The Philippines is a key country in Southeast Asia in terms of its digital economy and tech-savvy population.” – Google

As per Google itself, the Philippines is composed of very tech-savvy people. The number of Filipino netizens has also grown even more. The number has already reached 67 million – all of which are active users.

Filipinos do not simply show knowledge about the internet. They are interested in learning more. Knowing that many of them are adept in traffic generation is no longer a surprise. In this regard, businesses and clientele should be smart enough to take advantage of this.

Quality Content

The English language is common in the Philippines. Many people in this country are good at writing because students are acquainted with this language starting kindergarten.

In fact, the country’s literacy rate is 94 percent and 70 percent of its population are fluent in English. No doubt that it’s among the largest English-speaking countries in the world.

That’s also why you’ll find many blogs written by Filipinos. They can speak their minds using this language with ease. Give instruction in English and surely, they will get it right. It is where they have established their reputation and integrity in creating quality content for marketing.

Passion For Serving

Because of the innate nature to help, Filipinos do their best to give assistance in generating revenue for their clients. It is their inherent characteristic to be passionate about making other people happy by offering their competitive services.

Impressive Work Attitude

This is the very reason many Business Process Outsourcing has opened in the Philippines. Not only that many Filipinos are skilled, but foreign startup companies are also attracted to getting Filipino SEO service providers because they have an impressive attitude towards work and know-how to conduct themselves professionally.

One of our friend & Partner: SEO Hacker – Founded by Sean Si. They also offer SEO Services.

Meet PH’s Carl Ocab (formerly the Kidblogger to Reach the No.1 Spot)

Early days of CarlOcab.com. Ranks number one on Google for the keyword “make money online”. Circa November 2007-2010

Carl started CarlOcab.com at the age of 13. One of his goals, when he started his blog, was to rank number 1 for the keyword “make money online”. Back then, this keyword was dominated by big advertising companies, forex websites, and about.com pages. His readers and other internet marketers thought he was crazy for even trying.

However, that didn’t stop Carl (Probably because he knew he was crazy in his own way) and after 7 months of testing and optimization, he reached the frontpage; after 9 months, he ranked number one. Still, people thought of the worst. They assumed he used black hat strategies as it happened so fast for a very competitive keyword. It was all proven wrong as Carl took hold of the throne for more than 2 years. It was only when the site took a different direction to internet marketing before it stopped ranking for the keyword.

It was a roller coaster ride. CarlOcab.com has been featured in the Manila Bulletin twice; Carl guested on TV networks like GMA, ABS-CBN, TV5, and Net25. Best of all, he got to work with the industry’s best minds. The rest is history.

Carl Ocab Wants to Share the Same Success with You

Almost everyone eyes to be on the top of the SERPs but unfortunately, there’s only a single position for the number one spot.

“We’ve been there, we’ll get you there!”

If you want to be on the top spot, then you should choose people who know exactly how to do it. If you want to see success coming your way, then you should be with a team who has sure-fire means to succeed. Obviously, there’s no point in hiring an SEO agency that doesn’t even rank on their own set of keywords; just how can they aid you if they can’t do it for their own business? Apparently, what you need is an SEO team with much expertise.

If you’re looking for an SEO service to help you boost your business, you should never look further than Carl Ocab Digital Marketing!

Led by Carl himself, our team will take the hassle out of achieving your SEO objectives, both for On-Page and Off-Page optimization. We’re not exaggerating when we say that we can rank you locally, nationally, and globally. Being in the digital industry for more than a decade, we have acquired a deep level of understanding on how search engines work. Our SEO service enables you to connect with those searching for your products or services and help convert prospects to purchasing customers. With optimizing the best keywords for your business website and through our white hat link building strategies (ensuring zero penalty from Google), we provide you guaranteed ranking, bringing you more sales and leads!

Simplified 3-Step Process to

Search Engine Optmization (SEO)

Step 1 Audit

Our team, led by Carl, will begin with an intricate SEO audit of your website. This will show the current state of your website, what is bad, what is good, and which areas can be improved.

Step 2 Plan

Compared to other SEO agencies, we do not have “set” packages because no website is the same. All of our SEO strategies are custom-tailored by Carl to deliver the best results.

Step 3 Execute

After crafting your personalized SEO strategy, it’s time to execute and put it to work. We’ll be setting goals alongside a specific timeline in order to track our progress and improvements.

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  • What are your contact details?

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  • Leave it to Carl’s team to effectively boost the online presence of your business! My husband and I availed of Carl’s Digital Marketing Services to widen the reach of our restaurant via social media. For a very affordable price, not only did he help us spread our Facebook page online, but he also created for us a website that had a great design and very user-friendly interface. This was a huge help because a lot of users who happened to be foodies were able to find us and enjoy our food. Carl’s team was easy to talk to and was very helpful in acquainting us with the importance of marketing our restaurant using the Internet. Their services are definitely worth the investment. Many thanks for a job well done, and more power to your company!
    Korinne Ortega ⋅ Entrepreneur
    Manila, Philippines
  • We really enjoyed working with Carl Ocab Digital Marketing. They did a wonderful job in helping us achieve a higher search ranking. Tagaytay Highlands started with a 6-month SEO contract. During that campaign, they were able to improve the ranking of all the keywords that we’re optimizing. Organic search has become our top channel and we also hit a new record of monthly users as reported by Google Analytics. Now, our team has decided to renew the contract with them and we also hired them to redesign our website.
    Brian Reyes ⋅ Digital Lead, Tagaytay Highlands.
    Manila, Philippines
  • Carl Ocab and his team have been amazing web design and development partners. They are professional, easy to work with and very responsive. I’d highly recommend them if you are looking for a new website!
    David Reske ⋅ President, Nowspeed Inc.
    Massachusetts, USA
  • We have really enjoyed working with Carl Ocab Internet Marketing Services. We use them for our WordPress website development, and they have been fantastic. They are very responsive (within a day) and interpret all of my instructions flawlessly. I also like the fact that they are proactive with suggestions on how to implement changes to the site. They do not need exact step-by-step instructions. If they have a better idea, they’ll share it with you. I will definitely continue using their services for our agency!
    Barbara Ingram ⋅ Creative Director, The Paramount Group.us Inc.
    Florida, USA
  • Carl created an amazing website for PlayBook. It’s creative, modern and tasteful design are in line with our business image. He was very thorough and dependable. I appreciate the fact that a project management tool was used to track our daily progress and milestones. Thank you and looking forward to more projects with you.
    Richard Brojan ⋅ Entrepreneur
    Manila, Philippines
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