If you still haven’t heard of it, Janette of Digital Filipino was running a meme called “Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs of 2007″ I actually participated and voted my top 10 a day ago.

Anyway, Janette planned a blogger eye-ball for you know, to talk with friends whom we didn’t personally see. Fortunately, we didn’t have anything to do that day nad I was able to attend 🙂 It was really an exciting day because I met some of my favorite bloggers in the pinoy blogosphere like Noemi, Shari (Who is very friendly), Karlo, Sexymom and a lot lot more.
Here’s the list of the Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs of 2007:1. An Apple a Day
The Philosophical Bastard
2. The D Spot
3. CokskiBlue (Love his videos!)
4. Make Money Online with a 13-Year Old (Who else?!)
5. Culture Shiok!
6. Kubiertos (Makes me hungry all the time)
7. FruityOaty
8. The Dork Factor
The Anitokid Chronikos
9. Gibbs Cadiz
10.Confessions of a Hopeless Romantic Congrats to all the winners! Oh yea, did I told ya that we had a raffle contest? They gave $100 to 10 lucky people who participated in the meme, too bad I didn’t win, but anyway… the night was all worth it. Especial thanks to the major sponsor YesPayments.
Hey, wanna have a look see on what happened in the meet-up? Keep quiet, I stole some pics from Anitokid, (Well, not literally lol)