A lot of people have been wondering…
“Carl, you haven’t given any updates for almost a month.”
I’ve been busy.
Last last week, I’ve been interviewed by a TV station. It’s my first time to appear on national TV so it’s gonna be great. Actually, some of my classmates already saw the commercial (that I didn’t LOL) and they were telling me about it.
Then this last March 18, I had the opportunity to speak to a crowd of marketing and sales people about online branding and how a blog can help a business. That took a lot of my time because I had to attend public speaking classes for the preparation.
It was great overall, I was more comfortable than the last time – I was even able to crack impromptu jokes, heh.
Here’s some pics from the seminar…
Please, don’t mind the sampaguita necklace. They made me wear that LOL.
Question and answer with Mon Lizardo, director of Yehey.com
Part of the audience – around 400 people were in the room.
This is the plaque 🙂
Hopefully, if all goes well as planned, this April 1 I will have my own office in a *real* tower. It’s in the 37th floor with one full time programmer.
That’s it for now. I’ll keep you updated.
P.S. If you want to know the two-step formula to online branding success, drop me an email to [email protected].